Commercial Construction Companies in New Jersey

Commercial Construction Companies in New Jersey

When you consider selecting one of the many commercial construction companies in New Jersey, you want to hire a company that handles every phase of your important project. This means partnering with a company like D&B Construction that does much more than smooth over concrete and repaint interior walls.

You want to work with a commercial construction company in New Jersey that can help you design a structure, as well as ensure your design vision turns out to be a beautiful and highly functional commercial structure.

Design Partner

For more than a decade, D&B Construction has helped clients “cement” their design visions by working closely with them during the planning phase of their construction projects.

We have interior design professionals, as well as engineers and architects on our team that can help you achieve your design dream. Leave the coordination of your design plan to us, and spend time getting your team ready for the unveiling of your new or refurbished commercial structure.

Why is it important to hire a general contractor that brings design skills to the table? Let’s count the ways.

  • Quicker project completion
  • Improved aesthetic quality
  • More flexibility to change design plans on the fly
  • Reduced project expenses
  • Lower risk

Post-Construction Partner

Look at D&B Construction like you look at a bookshelf. Well, that might not be the most colorful description, but the fact remains that we work with you from the start (Design) to the completion phase of your project (Post-Construction). Your project might be completed, but our work is hardly done.

We offer a comprehensive set of close-out commercial construction services that allows you to focus on getting your business rolling.

Here are some of the things we do during the post-construction phase of a commercial building project:

  • Clean-up
  • Preparation to open your doors for business
  • Hand over equipment operating information
  • Follow-up on equipment warranties
  • Inventory all electronic components
  • Train your team for maintenance tasks
  • Generate cost reconciliation reports
  • Handle final inspections

Before we sign off on your commercial construction project, D&B Construction meets with you for a project review to determine what else needs to be done to get your business up and running.

Featured Project: Fromuth Tennis

One of the best examples of our commitment to completing pre-construction and post-construction responsibilities is a project called Fromuth Tennis. Before we renovated the office and retail spaces for the popular tennis product and accessories store, D&B Construction met with the leaders of the project to finalize the design of the new-look tennis retail center. We decided to come up with a design that included a complete makeover of the facilities, as well as a redesign of the retail space and conference room.

Post-construction work included meeting with the building inspector to ensure full compliance with local codes.

Schedule a Free Initial Consultation

When you search for the best commercial construction company in New Jersey, you have many choices that can make it difficult to reach a decision. After meeting with D&B Construction, your decision should be an easy one to make.

None of the commercial construction companies in New Jersey offer the comprehensive services that we offer to our clients. Streamlining operations is a popular catchphrase for all businesses. When you work with D&B Construction, you can expect to do much more than streamline operations. You can expect to move into a sleekly designed building that enhances your business operations.

Contact D&B Construction today to schedule a free initial consultation.